Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Desert is a Fragile Environment Afterall

During my recent excursion to Arches National Park in southeast Utah last month I was educated on how fragile this environment really is. Many think that they can just walk across the sandy floor of the Park and they will not harm a thing. However, this area of the American Southwest is quite fragile. In fact, traveling through many of the areas of the Park are restricted to hiking on established trails and staying on the slickrock and washes: the Park is indeed a minimalist landscape. In some places, the ground around and between widely spaced plants appears to have large patches of dark, knobby, brittle crust. This same scruffy, apparently dead and dried out rind covers almost 75 percent of the ground surface of the 130,000 square mile Colorado Plateau. It is called biological, or cryptobiotic, soil crust. This important component to the survival and longevity of this region is very much alive and of great ecological importance. This particular soil crust, sometimes called crypto for short, is made up of cyanobacteria,mosses, soil lichens, green algae, microfungi and bacteria.

So, what does this soil crust do that is so important. In harsh desert
enviroments, such as the Colorado Plateau, the ecology can used all the help it can get! This assistance comes in many forms: creating an erosion-resistant surface, capturing nitrogen from the air and converting it into a form that plants can use, and making calcium, potassium, and manganese available to plants as well. The soilcrust is also able to expand to ten times ist dry size, making moisture retention a possibility.

This soil crust, however, is easily broken, especially when dry. If it is tramped on, whether it is from foot traffic, bike and vehicle tracks, or various natural occurences, this fragile enviornment becomes susceptible to wind and water erosion. Unstable sandy soils can turn a nearby solidly anchored, crypto-covered "garden" into a drifting sand dune. It is estimated that for a disturbed area of cryptos to become fully functional again, to do all the wonderous things it can, may take as long as 250 years.

As I took all this in on my three day journey through various areas of the Park, some more remote than others, I was amazed by the importance of cryptobacteria on this enviroment. It became an awesome and beautiful part of this wonderous area. It added character, depth and color to an otherwise red, orange, and brown environment. However, the real awe inspiring factor to this whole story was that it was not random at all. There was a reason for this part of this environment to exist...and it does not exist on its own. It was placed here for a reason. This soil crust is just one more picture of the awesome presence and mind of God. He created this to protect the desert. Without the crypto the desert, as I said, would be a meandring sand dune. Like all other aspects of Creation, there was an Intelligent Designer behind all of it...and He is still involved in it. The whole thought makes me feel even more important in His eyes because He created me and you for a purpose as well. Seek God's purpose in your life, because there is one.Next time you are out in God's glorious Creation I hope you are able to get a glimpse of this notion as well!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Footsteps with God... Utah? Yeah, you can find the one true God even in Mormon country! This past weekend I spent some time in Arches National Park in southeastern Utah hiking and camping. It has to be one of the most incredible and breathtaking places that I have ever been. I spent some time Sunday with my buddy Bobby, hiking around a wash in the central part of the park. We were way off the beaten path, enjoying some untouched beauty many rarely see.

Monday and Tuesday were spent with God, meditating on Him and speaking with Him in ways that I have not done in quite some time. I just wish I had journaled some of my thoughts. However, I did spend a lot of time taking some amazing photos, which is my way, I guess, of journaling my thoughts. Many of my conversations with God come flooding back to me as I scroll through the hundreds of pictures I took.

Arches National Park is located near Moab, Utah and is the home to nearly 2,000 natural arches. The collection is by far the largest concentration of arches in the world. The national park lies atop an underground salt bed, which is the main cause of the formation of the arches and spires, balanced rocks, sandstone fins, and eroded monoliths in the area, some which are thousands of feet thick. According to scientists, this salt bed was deposited over the Colorado Plateau some 300 million years ago when a sea flowed into the region and eventually evaporated. Over millions of years, the salt bed was covered with residue from floods and winds and the oceans that came in intervals. Much of this debris was compressed into rock. At one time this overlying earth may have been one mile thick.

Salt under pressure is unstable, and the salt bed below Arches was no match for the weight of this thick cover of rock. Under such pressure it shifted, buckled, liquefied, and repositioned itself, thrusting the Earth layers upward into domes. Whole sections dropped into cavities. In places they turned almost on edge as faults occurred. As this subsurface movement of salt shaped the Earth, surface erosion stripped away the younger rock layers.

Over time water seeped into the superficial cracks, joints, and folds of these layers. Ice formed in the fissures, expanding and putting pressure on surrounding rock, breaking off bits and pieces. Winds later cleaned out the loose particles. A series of free-standing fins remained. Wind and water attacked these fins until, in some, the cementing material gave way and chunks of rock tumbled out. Many damaged fins collapsed. Others, with the right degree of hardness and balance, survived despite their missing sections. These became the famous arches. This is the geologic story of Arches - probably. The evidence is largely circumstantial. The only comfort that I need, though, is that God created it. For all I know, He formed this magnificent landscape in the blink of His eye.

As I was spending time with God in Arches the whole notion of being a part of His creation came into the conversation. I kept going back to the fact that all of this was created by God. However, I was starting to dwell on the creation, rather then the Creator. I was beginning to contemplate the magnificence of God's creation and in complete awe of His Masterpiece - the Signature of such an Awesome God. However, while walking through a wash, about to meet the trail that I had departed from earlier, I God very clearly placed on my heart that I am his Masterpiece; I am the Signature of God.

God also placed on my heart that being out there was a reason not to figure my life out on my own, but to commune with God; to be in awe and wonder and be amazed of who He is, not what He created. He created all of this for us so we can see Him. We are stewards of this land. This is a gift from our almight Creator. God quickly put me back in my proper place! I love being outside; it is my refuge and one of the few places I truly get my inner strength - all while being in the presence of God, of course. I truly feel close to God when I am out tromping around in His the outrageous beauty that He created.

When I am outside I am able to discover more of more of who I am and the man God created me to be. God has a plan for me and a purpose for my life. I feel this is one of the reasons he brought me to Colorado. As I scrambled on rock and hiked through some of the washes in Arches I was able to truly discuss with God what He has in store for me. I was able to share my fears and focus on my strengths. I was able to be upfront with Him about my hopes and desires. All the while He very quietly, in the stillness and quitness of this luxurios landscape, spoke very clearly to me about what He has planned.

I left Arches with a renewed sense of self and definitely closer to God. I guess that is why it's called recreation...take a walk alone with God and discover something new...cut out all distractions and take in all who He is.

In His Grace and Mercy,


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Trip Back to Delaware, and other random quips

Hello friends:

So, I bet you have been wondering what I have been up to. Well, it has been over a month since I have posted anything on here and so I thought it was about time I did so. My life has not been too exciting out here since Christmas, which was spent with the family in San Antonio. I had the pleasure of driving my truck though both snow storms here in Colorado. What a treat that was. By the grace and provision of God was I able to make it safely to and from my destination.

I have been spending most of the past month or so either as a barista here in Gunnison or serving at a restaurant up at Crested Butte. Both have provided me with decent cash and have allowed me to enjoy the folks of this great state. The snow has been a bit lacking out here in the Gunnison Valley, however. So, please pray for some white stuff...and colder weather. It has been quite warm for this time of year, with today reaching into the 40's.

I made it home last week for a surprise visit to Delaware. It was a great time spent with family and friends...all were shocked and amazed to see me home. I was able to spend some decent amount of time with my grandmother, who is doing better than she was before the holidays. However, she insists on calling me by my father's name. She is slowly but surely please pray for her and her relationship with the Lord.

To everyone who was at the banquet and heard my testimony: Thank you for your love and compassion. Please continue to pray for me and my relationship with the Lord. He has been forever faithful and patient with me and I will always cherish that. I had a blast with you will be posted shortly.

Well, thanks for your patience and understanding. I will be sure to be more diligent to keep you posted on whats going on in my heart and soul out here in God's country.



Sunday, December 17, 2006

Driven by Eternity at the Age of 30

My Dear Friends:

Recently I was listening to 30, and album by Harry Connick, Jr. I was struck by the fact that here was a successful
young man who, at the same age as I am now (for those who do not know, I just turned 30 last week) was in the midst of a blossoming career in music and film. In doing so I began to contemplate my own success and what our society considers a successful person this day in age. If I was measured up to their expecations I would hardly be considered successful.

So, what is the d
efinition of successful in our world's eyes? Is it how much money or property that one has? How about how many friends they have? How about how they have impacted the world with their generous giving of time and money? However, after spending some time away from the Lord I have come to the conclusion that none of this matter in the eternal scheme of things. As we look towards our eternal future we will be considered successful in how we used the gifts that the Lord, our Father has bestowed upon us and our reaction to the Lord's Ultimate Gift of Grace in His Son, Jesus Christ. With that said I consider myself more successful than any rock star or movie star or CEO. It means more to me to be considered a success in my Creator's eyes than the eyes of the world. So, let me close this thought with the "10 Things God Won't Ask You."

Blessings Upon You as You Find Favor in the Eyes of the Lord,

  1. God won't ask you what kind of car you drove. He will ask you ow many people you drove who did not have transportation.
  2. God won't ask you the square footage of your house. He will ask you how many people you welcomed into your home.
  3. God won't ask you about the clothes you had in your closet. He will ask you how many you helped clothe.
  4. God won't ask you your highest salary was. He will ask compromised your character to obtain it.
  5. God won't ask you what your job title was. He will ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
  6. God won't ask how many friends you had. He will ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
  7. God won't ask you what kind of neighborhood you lived in. He will ask you how well you treated your neighbors.
  8. God won't ask you the color of your skin. He will ask about the content of your character.
  9. God won't ask why it took so long to seek salvation. He will just lovenly take you to your Mansion in Heaven.
  10. God won't ask how many people you share this with. He already knows your decision.

Reaching Out to Those Who Are Reaching Out for Us

It has come to my attention that the sailors listed below have recieved little to no mail since arriving on their tour of duty. Especially at this time of year where we reach out to those who are in need, the morale of our troops is very important. If you could find time to send a care package or note to one of them it would surely be greatly appreciated.

In His Undying Service,


The address is:
Name (listed below)
APO, AE 09375


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Christmas Letter to the World 2006

Christmas 2006

Dear Friends and Family:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The time of year is here once again where we celebrate all that is good and great…and the Lord has sure been both in my life this past year. I would like to begin by thanking each and everyone of your for your steadfast prayers during this time in my life. I arrived here in Colorado on Saturday, August 19th and have been loving it ever since. I have made some wonderful friends, re-established some friendships and overall have been blessed by so much out here.

I started this journey west over a year ago when I recommitted my life to the Lord after seven years of not actively being in Communion with Him. He has surely carried me through this time of repentance and forgiveness with unfathomable love and kindness. In July of 2005 I moved back home with the folks for a time to gather my thoughts and life and get finances back in order. This time spent close to loved ones was a blessed time of renewal and rest in my life, especially spiritually. I started attending Brandywine Valley Baptist Church with my sister, Jen, and made some lasting friendships that I look forward to seeing grow, even with such a great distance between us. In August 2005 I made the decision to re-enter my field of Outdoor Education and began quickly pursuing the notion of graduate school. I visited the University of Utah in January of this year and had a wonderful time reminiscing with friends and skiing the great snow of Utah. Unfortunately, graduate school did not work out and so I started looking for work in Utah and Colorado. After a thrilling 5 day road trip across country and a jam packed Saturn, I arrived in Gunnison, CO, ready to face the world.

I have been with San Juan Youth Works as a Wilderness Instructor since August 21st. SJYW is a 90 wilderness therapy program for at risk young men between the ages of 13 and 17 in the state of Colorado. It is a challenging, rewarding, tiring, stressful, awesome job where I am able to touch the lives of some lost young men in this world. The schedule is great, with 8 days on and 6 days off and a two month sabbatical from the kids during the winter months. This gives me time to rest, visit with friends, enjoy the Colorado winter, and catch up on things in my personal life. You never know when I will call and say I am going to be in town during this time, so be prepared for a guest.

As I mentioned before, this is the time of year to remember all the Goodness and Greatness that our Lord is in our lives. He has taught me so much over the past 18 months about who He is and who I am in an everlasting relationship with Him. I have found a great little church here in Gunnison and have made some great friends there. We are currently reading a book called Driven By Eternity by John Bevere. The one thing that I have learned from this book so far (and the most important lesson in my life so far, which is why I want to share it with you) is that we all have an eternal destiny. What is yours? What is mine? How is the life that you are living today and for the rest of your life going to affect your life eternal? Our Heavenly Father wants to be in lasting communion with us. My life for seven years is a picture of the eternal life that one can have without this communion with the Lord, Our God. It can be either eternally lonely and heartbreaking separate from Our Creator or eternally joyful and awesome with the Giver of Life. Ultimately it comes down to Grace – the undeserved gift that our Father has given us on the Cross over 2000 years ago. Do I accept this gift, forsake my self, pick up my own Cross, carry it and live my life accordingly or do I deny the One who Redeemed me and live my life according to that decision? He is the Way. He is the Truth. He is the Life. No one can enter the Father’s Kingdom except through Him.

The Lord has been so good to me during this time in my life and I look forward to hearing what Fruit your own life has been producing. In the meantime, would you please pray for the following areas in my life:

  1. May the Lord continue to bless me by surrounding me with those that will carry towards the Lord and not away from him.
  2. May the Lord continue to have His hand in the relationships that I have far away.
  3. May the Lord continue to watch over those loved ones back in Delaware that I have left behind, especially my Grandmother.
  4. May the Lord continue to have His hand in my personal life, financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
  5. May the Lord continue to heal me as I continue to forsake my past and battle with the temptations of this World.
  6. May the Lord continue to use me for His Glory and not my own.
  7. May the Lord continue to direct my Life for His Will and not my own.
  8. May the Lord continue to keep me focused on His Grace and the Gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.
  9. May the Lord continue to assist me as I declare my Dependence on Him.
  10. May the Lord continue to use me as a vessel to declare His Message to the World by living my Life according to His plan.

Thank you again for all your prayers and support and I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you ever find yourself in my lil’ corner of the world, please let me know. I would love to share this with you.

Lovingly His Faithful Servant,


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Weeks 13 & 14: Psalm 100

Psalm 100: A Psalm of Praise;
or rather of thanksgiving

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!
Know that the Lord, He is God!
It is He who made us, and we are His;
we are His people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to Him; bless His name!
For the Lord is good;
His steadfast love endures forever,
and His faithfulness to all generations.
Hello friends and family:

How fitting is it during this season of Thanksgiving to start this blog with a reminder of the goodness and greatness of the Lord and that we should be entering into his presence with Thanksgiving each and every hour of our lives. Our happy God should be worshipped by a happy people; a cheerful spirit is in keeping with his nature, His acts, and the gratitude which we should cherish for his mercies. What a powerful feeling when we enter into His gates with Thanksgiving Oh! How thankful I am for His lasting faithfulness and uncompromising love.

Thanksgiving 2006 was spent in Colorado Springs with my dear friend Megan. It was a joyful time spent with some other young Christians. The fellowship was splendid and the food was out of this world (thanks again Megan!!) That would be Megan and Karen working hard (or playing) in the kitchen Thanksgiving afternoon. It was pretty rough not being able to spend Thanksgiving with my family and friends back in Delaware. However, the Lord has provided me with a family out here and it was a wonderful experience. I thank Him constantly for all of his provisions that He has prepared for me ahead of my arrival out here in Colorado. I would love to hear some of the things you all have been thanking the Lord for this past year!

This weekend I was also able to visit my cousin, Scott, and his family. He has three adorable girls who I was able to meet for the first time. I look forward to spending more time with them while I am out here. It is great having friends and family throughout the state for me to visit.

Last week with the guys was spend mostly working on the house for Habitat. The guys have been very diligent on getting the roof done. It is a joy watching them work and give some time of themselves by helping others. They are very proud of the work that they have done. One of the guys who volunteers for Habitat is from Lancaster! He has been out here since September and is a Christian as well. He grew up in a Mennonite family back in PA so we have had some opportunities to share with eachother. That has been a blessing as well.

Saturday we took the guys cross country skiing. Well, it was supposed to be cross country skiiing. However, it turned into extreme skiing on cross country skis! The guys had a blast playing in the snow, even though most of them fussed about it initially! I ended up smacking my tailbone against the jump and am still quite sore, even though it has been a week!

Well, I am about to head back into the field, for my second to last rotation. It has been a wonderul ride so far out here in Colorado and I cannot thank all of you enough for all your prayers and support. Now, onto the prayer requests:
  1. Please continue to pray for Toney E. Unfortunately his temper has gotten the better of him and he was discharged from the program unsuccessfully last week. He does not have much by the way of a supporting family and at this point is back in detention. The owner of the program had a lengthy conversation with him and I pray that his words will sink into Toney.
  2. Please pray for Dave, one of the guys who was on my rotation. He will not be back for the rest of the season due to being burnt out. This is a very tough job and one can be burnt out very quickly very easily. Please lift him up. We had gotten quite close this past fall and I hope to be able to stay in contact with him.
  3. Please pray for the young men as they face their last three weeks out here. Please pray that they will be able to go home to a loving and nurturing living situation that will support a positive lifestyle for these young men. Young men who have been in the system have very little to no aftercare once they have completed a program like ours. Unfortunately they get lost and many wind up where they were before.
  4. Please pray for me as I plan for my two months off. I am extremely excited about seeing my family during Christmas. Please pray for all of us as we spend time together.
  5. Please continue to pray for Lindon, Dalston, Carson, Chris M., CJ, Josh S., and Josh V. These young men have all finished the program and have returned back home. Please pray that the Lord watches over them and keeps them as they struggle with this hard time of adjusting back into their lives. I see and hear from Dalston and Lindon regularly and they are doing reasonably well. I ask you to lift these young men up.
  6. Please pray for me as I enter myfourth month out here. I am beginning to miss home. Please pray that I stand firm with the Lord and in His Word. Please pray that He gives me strength and guidance and to remember that I am doing His work and doing it for His glory, not mine!

Well, that should be about it! The temperatures are dropping as is the snow!! I have yet to get to the slopes but I plan on it very soon! As always, I look forward to hearing from you all...and hopefully seeing many of you out here shortly!

Love in Him Always,

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weeks 11 & 12: Grace Like Rain

Grace Like Rain
by Todd Agnew

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see so clearly

Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me
Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me
Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away

When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing Your praise
Than when we first begun

Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me
Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away

Hello my faithful friends:

If you are reading this you have maneuvered your way through net land and wound up at my blog spot. Many of you have requested that I try a blog spot instead of sending out the mass emails to everyone. As a matter of fact, this was my intention from the get go. I was hoping to get one up and running as soon as I got out here, but it never materialized. However, here it is...doesn't it look nice?

Last week I ended with a poem and I thought it would be fitting to include something in this and future updates. The Lord sure has shown His mighty Grace recently hasn't He. The words should be familiar but this version is sung by Todd Agnew. I can still here us singing it at BVBC on Sunday nights! Come to think of it, we were singing it at my last communion there before moving to God's country. What words...they will always and ever speak to me. Grace...what a concept that we take for granted. It is the backbone of our faith an essential part of our relationship with our heavenly father. How can we not remember that?

So, what all have I been up to, you ask?!? Well, last week with the guys was pretty rough for us field instructors. You take the good with the bad, right? The guys were full of defiance and back talk from the very beginning of the week on. It was a bit stressful, to say the least, but we pulled through. As many of you know, I do not get my "feathers in a bunch" to easily so I hung in there. I have also been working there the least out of the three of us so I am not as burnt out. A verse that was recently passed on to me that has helped me stay focused is Galatians 6:9: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." What comfort!!

Most of the week was spent working with Habitat for Humanity, starting to put the roof on. Doesn't she look good? The guys have been working on her for a number of months now and are very proud of their accomplishments. The supervisor is very impressed with how hard the guys work. I am very proud of them, even though it was a rough week.

This past Tuesday was, of course, Election Day across the country. TheGovernor-Elect, a Democrat named Bill Ritter, is pro-life. I get the sense that he is not an aggressive pro-lifer, however, so please pray about this situation. Check out this interview for his comments, which are located near the top of the page.

While living out here I have surrounded myself with a bunch of great young Believers . As a matter of fact, I had some of the guys up last night to hang out. It was a relaxing time to get to know each other and chill before the week begins again.

The other major events that took place out here in CO this past week are the circumstances that lead up to Ted Haggard, the founder and senior pastor of New Life Church in the Springs, stepping down after 20 years. This is a very sad story, one that I have been praying over faithfully. I stress that we continue to pray for this church, Ted and his family, and the world as a whole. New Life will survive and, by the grace of God, Ted will be able to deal with this situation in a Godly way. I pray that he seeks the Lord through this. I also pray that non-believers can see the Lord working through all of this. I had the opportunity to listen to the Sunday Morning message that was given last week at New Life. It is a real testimony of the power of Christ working through his people. If you have not gotten the chance to listen to it I highly recommend you doing so. You can go to their website and listen to it online or borrow the copy I sent to my parents. It is amazing!

And now....

  1. Please continue to pray for Lindon G. He is back home (he lives in Monte Vista, the town the office is in) The owner of San Juan Youth Works plans on having some work for him (and paying him) I hope this will be a positive influence on his life. He stops by the office a lot, which is great. I ask that you pray for my continued support of him and that I spend a few minutes with him when he stops by. He really looks up to us and I want to be there for him. Also, please pray that he can stay away from things in his life that will get him in trouble.
  2. Please continue to pray for Chris T. He continues to have an issue with his anger. He did not recieve his next level because of an incident he had with another student. Because of this he became very negative throughout the week. He shows signs of having little desire to change his life around. Please pray that he can see the error in this. He is another student that has a gang history, so this is another area that could use some prayer
  3. Please pray for Toney. He is another student that has problems with his temper. He is quick to anger and slow to understanding. He also deals with his anger in a negative way through physical outlets (smashing sticks, throwing rocks, etc) Please pray that we can help him find alternative means to dealing with his anger.
  4. Please pray for Dominique. He has expressed a desire not to return to his home/family.We are working with him on this. However, his mother would like him to come home at the end of his time with the program. Please pray that the Lord will have His hand in this situation and that whatever happens will be the best situation Dominique. He is a bright kid and has a bright future if he has the support.
  5. Please continue to pray for the young men as a whole. The season is winding down and many of them will be heading back to unstable homelives. Please pray that I can use these last few weeks to continue to reach out to the guys. I have had a few opportunities to have spiritual discussions with some guys. Please pray that I can continue this and that the Lord guides my tongue and opens my ears.
  6. Please pray as I look forward to my two months off. I started working at the coffee shop this past week and I look forward to working there full time. However, I would like to find some other means for income. I have started printing out pictures and I plan on framing and showing them...I hope to sell some. Let me know if you would like any...the holidays are right around the corner!!!

Well, that should be it for now. Please pray for my coming week. We will more than likely be backpacking but who knows! I will be heading to the Springs to spend with Thanksgiving with my friend Megan. Please pray that this will be a positive time for the both of us and that the Lord will be there.

Your faithfully,


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Week 11: The Will of God

Hey all:

It is that time again for me to head back out into the field! My weeks off sure pass by quickly. It was a relatively quiet week with me completing long over dueprojects. I was in the Springs (AKA Colorado Springs for you non-CO folk) once again on Tuesdayand I was able to see Dalston, one of the students whoI have been asking prayer for. He graduated a few weeks ago and seems to be doing ok so far. I promised him a copy of Search for Significance by Robert McGee and so I was able to get a copy to him when I saw him. Friday was "guys night" with a few guys from church. We cooked dinner and fellowshiped. It was a great opportunity to get to know some of the guys from church and build some relationships here in Gunnison.

Last week with the guys went pretty well. There were no major incidents to report, thank goodness. We spent two days hiking (It was supposed to be 3 but theguys pulled off a killer hike on Thursday!!) We took the guys mountain biking on Sunday over some gnarley rocks. The guys are doing well, overall. We got our last student last week and we are all looking forwardto a few months off. My last day is December 16th,just in time for Christmas. There is not much more to report at this time. It has been a pretty tame few weeks. Of course, there are a few prayer requests:

1. Please pray for Lindon. He just graduated from the program this weekend and is heading back with hisfamily. He has come a long way since he started theprogram. Please specifically pray for his mother. She has been in a series of abusive relationship andabuses drugs and alcohol herself. Please pray that she can clean herself up and be a positive mother for Lindon. Also, pray that Lindon can remain positive onthe "outs." He is a local kid, meaning that he grewup in the town that the business is located. A number of us have taken him under our wing and plan on beinga mentor for him. He needs all the positive male guidance that can be provided in his life.

2. Please pray for Chris T. He has an anger management issue. The only way he know how to dealwith his temper is to fight and argue. Please pray that he can find alternative positive means to dealwith his anger.

3. Please pray for my continued outreach with the guys. Please pray that I can be a positive example tothe guys and that I can continue to be positive and compassionate and that I don't get burnt out.

4. Please pray for my relationships both at work and at home. Please pray that I can be more transparent and open myself up to those around me. I met somegreat people out here and ask you to pray for thegrowth of these relationships. The Lord has me herefor a purpose and I ask that the purpose becomes more clear day by day.

5. Please pray for my continued job search for extrawork. I did start the job at the coffee house but the wine bar gig fell through at this point. I plan ondoing some more searching when I get back next week. My time off is creeping up on me so I would like tofind some extra work soon.

6. Please pray for my family back home. My grandmother recently had a stroke and has been indeclining health for some time. Please pray for my parents for guidance and strength in this situation. I greatly miss my family so please pray for strengthas I deal with the distance between us. I pray that our time spent together during the holidays will be fruitful.

Well, that is about it. I would like to close with apoem that I just recieved from a woman I went t ochurch with back in Delaware. I hope she doesn't mindthat I use it! It spoke directly to my heart and so Iwanted to share it with all of you. Many of you have already read it! I hope it speaks to you as well!!! I love you all!

Thanks again for your continued support, prayers and love.

Faithfully His Servant,

The Will of God
by Sandy Russell

The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you;
where the arms of God cannot support you;
where the riches of God cannot supply your needs;
where the power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you where the Spirit of God cannot work through you;
where the wisdom of God cannot teach you;
where the hands of God cannot hold you.

The will of God will never take you where the love of God cannot enfold you;
where the mercies of God cannot sustain you;
where the peace of God cannot calm your fears.

The will of God will never take youwhere the comfort of God cannot dry your tears;
where the word of God cannot feed you;
where the miracles of God cannot be done for you;
where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.
Everything happens for a purpose.
We may not see the wisdom of it now, but trust and believe that everything is for the best.
The best way to be anxious nothingis to be prayerful about everything.